I remember the feeling of Manly beach When I was running along the beachside one of the first days in Manly. I remember the feeling of freedom, the sound of the waves and the wind in my hair. That time when I still didn’t know anything about Manly or Australia.
I can still see my first steps into the school. And how amazing the building looked in the dark. I remember my first meeting with Sarah my roommate and I remember the feeling when everything was new and exciting. I can still see the first meeting with Gab, when she was still Gabriella and was all about explaining the difference between a bar dress and a cocktail dress. And the truth is it doesn’t feel that long ago. And still ages away.
Not a long time ago I was writing that Sydney felt like home, I guess the second I start to call something for my home it comes with a feeling of safety and lost freedom. And two weeks ago when I wrote that, I had no idea I would sit here today and be writing this. Because truth is I will never see Manly again. I’m leaving Australia for good.
In November my internship at club med will be over and I will receive my Diploma in Event management. When I left Sweden and people asked me how long I will be gone I told them the program was 3 years but that I will take the diploma and then see what happens. But I really thought I would do 3 years in Australia. And as the time went by it was all 3 years in my head, in our heads. We never considered anything else, it was like we never had the option. But I guess something inside of me knew it all along.
And now… I can’t even believe I already will receive a Diploma. I mean that was so far away just a couple of months ago. And I will even finish my contract at club med so I could go back to ICMS in February and continue my education if I want to, but I won’t.
I will transfer my diploma and continue my education in England. I will take a study break until September and hopefully have time to go to Africa and do some volunteering and some other trips in between now and then. I will complete my dream trips I was going to do one day anyway, and then go back for my bachelor.
This is even a surprise for me too, but it feels so right. I have until January to research and work on my application for the right school in England. And until then I just can’t wait for my time at club med to be over. I can’t wait for the next coming year and everything that is ahead of me.
ICMS gave me so much, friendships I never ever would have been able to dream about. And I can’t believe we made it through, I can’t believe we held each other up through exams, assignments and life crashing parts. I can’t believe we all made it. And I can’t believe it’s all over. No more red bull bottles, lack of money and phone credits that was never long enough. No more breakdowns and crashing in front of each other and no more laughing in lack of sleep. No more note passing through horrible classes and food stealing so I won’t starve. No more sneaking through the campus and talking about everything in life we could possible think of. ICMS was all about drama, breakdowns, unforgettable moments and impossible situations we made possible somehow, ICMS was all about us. ICMS was all about the tripod and I will miss it. But I will do what I have to do.
I can’t believe I will see Sweden again, I can’t believe I will be back in November… I won’t comment on the sense of my voice for that sentence.
But I will comment on my feelings of seeing my little sister again. I never been more excited and I didn’t think it was possible to miss her more then I already knew I did.
5 months to go.